This title, Not to be Served, but to Serve, is what was written on the marquis of my dad's church when I was growing up in Austin. Somehow, even as a young girl these words seemed to resonate with me. They still do today. There have been several occasions when I thought I might blog using this title, but it didn't really seem to fit until the pieces finally came together today. Our pastor gave a sermon today that allowed me to complete the puzzle, so to speak. He gave us 3 points to think about as followers of Christ, and spoke directly to the moms in the congregation. In doing so, I recalled the words not to be served, but to serve and easily applied them to each of his 3 points. These are listed below, with some of my own commentary....
- Live before your children a life that becomes the Gospel. From this I took away that as a mom, my purpose is not to be served by my children, but to serve them. I mean this loosely...not that I am there to wait on them hand and foot, not that I am to lose who I am so that I can be everything to them, and not that I forget about parenting and disciplining and teaching, but that I am to show them the way. I am to serve them, by serving as He would.)
- Lift up Christ with your life. Only one King can be served...who is it for your life? (As a follower of Christ I am here not to be served by Him, but to serve Him...1st. This one really makes me take a look at myself and reflect on how well I am doing. Have I made Him 1st? And if I say I have, do I live that? Then there is the accountability I have for my children. Am I teaching them to do the same, to put Him 1st? Am I an example of what to do, or perhaps, what not to do?)
- Shine light on Christ with your life. In Him, through Him and with Him, be a light unto others and myself, such that through me, others see Him....Not for my glory, but for His. All Glory, Laud and Honor, to you Redeemer King. I love the words to that if I can just be sure to always and in all ways put those words into action.
Deep thougths on this Mother's Day, but happy, blessed and thankful ones as well.