Monday, April 25, 2011

A New Journey ~ Joint Journaling

For the past 19 months a group of 10 to 11 moms has gathered every Tuesday to share in our journey of motherhood.  This group is amazing and from these ladies I have learned an incredible amount about mothering, being a friend, sharing, discovering joy and most importantly I have learned about God's intent for me as a mom.  We have studied a number of books and have shared countless ideas with one another on every subject a woman can think of, but mostly in regards to our kids.  One of the neatest ideas we came across was to share a journal with your child.  I didn't come up with this, but I think I may be on to something by using it with my girls.  For Easter I gave each of them a journal and told them that it is meant to be used between them and me and their daddy.  Now I know we are only a few nights into this, but I sure am enjoying it.  (At least with my youngest two...ages 8 and 9...I see I am going to have to initiate the journal writing with my oldest, age 11) 

Here is how it is working.  They write something in it...a question, a thought, a problem or a prayer and we respond.  If it is left by my bedside I know I am to write in it, and if it is left by my husband's then they want him to write.  So far I have discovered that my middle one is concerned about when she will get to see her grandparents again, and my youngest really wanted to know what we were having for dinner...but beyond that she wrote what her prayer for me is.  (I am not sure how those two topics go together, but they were both on her heart and I am so glad she shared them with me.) 

I am not sure how long this will last, but I am taking the opportunity to make sure that each time I write, that they know that we love them and that God is guiding them and loves them, too.  Somehow, some way, there is always and opportunity to bring Him into it in a positive way.

Ask me in a week how it is going, but for now I can't wait to read their journal entries and respond in turn!
