Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Christmas seen by Mary

Last night as the pastor shared the Christmas story, a certain part resonated with me in a way that it had not previously.  Upon hearing the words from Luke 2:19, But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart, I begin to really think about what it must have been like to be Mary.   I began to imagine the awe and wonder that Mary must have felt.  As a new Mother, she holds her baby in her arms for the first time and when looking at him, she is looking into the eyes of the Lord.  How humbling and magnificent that must have been to have gazed upon her son, THE Son of Man, knowing that this, this was Christ the King.

We don't have much direct information about Mary from Bibilical accounts.  This leaves us to create our own image, and my image is one of a courageous, faith-filled woman with an immense trust in God.  On this Christmas day, I pray that I may be like Mary.  I pray that I will trust in the Lord with all my heart, that I will have the courage to follow his plan for me, that I will be a light unto others, as he is THE light for me.  I pray that I will keep Mary's example close to my heart, and that when I gaze at my own children I will recognize in their eyes that I too am catching a glimpse of Him.

Merry Christmas and God Bless Us, Everyone!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Be Merry, Be Bright!

This year I ordered Christmas Cards on-line and was amazed at the choices available.  Where in the world to begin?  Now, when faced with multiple choices, I usually go for more than one, which I did...but, my favorite message on all of the cards was a simple reminder...a sort of myself.  BE MERRY, BE BRIGHT!  In the hustle and bustle and commercialism of Christmas I have decided to make BE MERRY, BE BRIGHT! my 2010 Christmas Code to those things large and those things small. 

There are so many situations that come to mind that can be what I call "joy-suckers".  They can zap me of my energy and happiness in a heartbeat, if I let them.  Two that come to mind immediately are traffic surrounding the malls and major shopping areas, and the lines in the stores.  Then there are also the baking catastrophes...the traditional family honey cookies with the dough made minus the sugar...ugh!  And the banana bread left in the oven too long because I was visiting with my neighbor...oops!  I can't leave out the impending 12 hour drive to visit the relatives.  (Don't mistake me isn't the family visit that requires my attitude adjustment, just the drive time.)  I imagine you all could list a few other items that just seem to drag you down during what is supposed to be our most joyous time of year.

BE MERRY, BE BRIGHT! is a choice I can make.  It is a choice to focus on that which is in my control. It is a choice to relax and enjoy each other.  It is a choice to look around me and see the everyday Christmas moments versus looking through or past them.  It is a choice to focus on what really matters. 
It is a choice to focus on the gift of Christ and the celebration of His birth.    It is a choice to share His love and feel His peace. 
May you feel the joy of Christmas throughout this busy season and share that love with all of those around you.  For unto you is borth this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.  Luke 2:11

Blessings and Merry Christmas!  BE MERRY, BE BRIGHT!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Kindness for Kate....

This week marks a very difficult one-year anniversary in our neighborhood.  Our dear friends lost their little girl on December 17th of last year.  She would have been three years old last Christmas.  Little "Katerbug", as she was known by all, had a very special spark about her and she is terribly missed by her family and friends.  I cannot begin to understand the unfathomable loss of a child.  I do not have the right words of comfort, or hope.  My prayer continues to be that Kate's family and friends somehow know and feel God's presence and peace. 

I have been blessed to witness many acts of kindness during the last year and am in awe of the ways in which God has used others, in my mind, that Katerbug's spirit and memory live on.  Most recently a group of family friends have gotten together to create "Kindess for Kate Day."  They are encouraging families to engage together in a random act of kindness in Kate's honor, on December 16th.  As it reads in Matthew 20:28...For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve othersWhat a wonderful way to share in this Christmas Season, as well as celebrate a little girl whose life and death have impacted so many of us.

What random act of kindness can you and your family participate in this week?  Get your children involved in the planning.  Let everyone participate.  Afterwards discuss your experiences with one another, and perhaps...lift up a prayer of Thanksgiving, thanking Him for our children and the blessings that we provide to one another.

Please feel free to share here your ideas, as well as your experiences in Kindness for Kate Day.

In Him...

Monday, December 6, 2010

...on Moms Supporting Each Other

Yesterday I was able to be a part of a group of 5 women who joined as a team to run the Dallas White Rock Marathon Relay.  Some of us knew each other and others of us didn't, but by the end of the day together I am pretty sure that we can all call each other friends.  Some of as are stay at home moms, some work part time, some work full time.  What I found was that no matter what our differences, we all had a few things in common...we all enjoy running, we all had the same goal to achieve (do our best to help our team), and we all are moms.  It was a fabulous experience.  The support and encouragement that I witnessed and experienced was incredibly uplifting. 

It was yet another reinforcement that moms are such a great source of so many things for one another.  Bottom line...I think moms need other moms.  God gave us women who have gone before us to help us on our journey as moms and God puts us in the position to mentor newer moms, lending our ears and our talents to one another.  We are to support each other.  So often women can be caddie, jealous, boastful and down-right unsupportive.  But more often than not, in my neck of the woods, I am encouraged by the outpouring of support that women provide to each other.

In Jesus' time, women used to gather at the well.  I picture it in my mind as a place that they connected and shared with one another.  Later in history it was women gathering around the fire to quilt or mend clothing.  In today's time what opportunities do we have as women to share of ourselves and our experiences, to build each other up and share our talents?  For some it may be a book club, a bunko group, a Bible study, or a running club.  If you don't have such a group I would suggest that you consider starting one, or put some feelers out there within your own networks to see what might be available.  If you are already a part of such a group, good for you!  Can you take it one step further?  Do you know of someone who would like, and quite possibly might need, an inviation to join in the comaraderie? 

In this season of busyness, shopping lists, cooking, present buying, preparing and cleaning we might take time to stop and consider our blessings and how we can show our thanks to those who have been our strength on this earth, as well as consider how we can be a blessing to another mom in need.

I'd love to hear your comments on how moms can connect with other moms and the impact that it has had on you as you have experienced this kind of support.  One of the goals of this blog would be that you all out there are able to make a connection to each other.  Please feel free to share ideas through your comments.  From this I hope that you will either gain a bit of insight, or provide your insights from which other moms can learn.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

And all of God's children said, "AMEN!"

We say it after every prayer.  You hear it shouted exhuberantly in a church service.  It is used as a form of affirmation when agreeing with something someone says.  AMEN!  It is probably the most spoken biblical term that is used, but what does it mean?  According to Webster's New World Dictionary (I know...all you younger, hip generation Y moms are thinking how old school that is!) AMEN is an interjection that means may it be so!

Thus a blog entitled The A.M.E.N. is born.  LET IT BE SO!  I have actually had the idea for this blog, along with its name, for a long time...a REALLY long time, but have never taken the time to do it.  Busyness, fear, uncertainty, those have all come into play, but finally the irony of it all has shown through....LET IT BE SO!  And why not?  I call it a tapping on my shoulder, but really it must be from Him.  I mentioned before that I am not a theologian, and I am not a pastor, and really, when it comes down to it, I am not a writer.  However, the tapping got stronger and stronger and finally the worrying and wondering has taken a backseat to the feeling that this is something I want and need to do.  There is a feeling of AMEN about me as I have determined now is the time.  The tapping isn't going away and why not start a blog?

The acronym is easy.  Average Mom's Encouragement Network stems from the fact that I truly feel I am your average mom.  My challenges are no greater than any other moms out there.  In Phillipians 4:13 (New Living Translation) Paul writes, "For I can do everything with the help of Chirst who gives me the strength I need."  This verse is THE verse in the bible that above all other verses carries me through.  It affirms that He is with me.  It affirms that I can do it.  It affirms that I am not alone.  It is the verse I repeated during childbirth...all 3 times.  It is the verse I repeat in hitting "post" for a this blog.  It is the verse I repeat daily, as life's little struggles come my way.  For me, it is my encouragement.  AMEN!

In The Beginnning...

Welcome to The Average Moms Encouragement Network

Like you, I am a mom, and I oftentimes find myself in need of a bit of encouragement.  In this world of schedules, activities, hustle and now find yourself in a place, through this blog, where you can settle down for just a few moments and just be. The purpose of this blog is to offer you, and me, a few moments of reflection and peace. You'll find here stories, ideas and study regarding life as a mom. Most importantly these will be presented at all times with God's purpose in mind. What is his intent for us as Mothers? Where can we go when we feel we are at our wits end? Where should be go when we recognize the many blessings in our lives? The answers, of course, all lead us to Him.

I'll pick topics when I feel a "Tap on the Shoulder" and if you have any suggestions I would love them!  I have to admit, I am no expert at this role of mothering.  I am not a theologian, nor am I a professional writer.  I do know, however, that as a mom I need other moms for support and encouragement.  I need other moms to teach me and challenge me in the best ways to raise my girls.  I have been blessed to learn from other moms and I hope that this blog is a blessing to you.  Although the posts may not be full of new insights, or things you have never heard before, I pray that you are touched in some small way by them.  I pray that the posts in The Average Moms Encouragement Network touch you in a way that make you think, lift you up and encourage you to be the best mom you can be, and to know that you are not alone.  Thank you for reading my blog!

May God Bless you and Yours!