Thursday, December 2, 2010

And all of God's children said, "AMEN!"

We say it after every prayer.  You hear it shouted exhuberantly in a church service.  It is used as a form of affirmation when agreeing with something someone says.  AMEN!  It is probably the most spoken biblical term that is used, but what does it mean?  According to Webster's New World Dictionary (I know...all you younger, hip generation Y moms are thinking how old school that is!) AMEN is an interjection that means may it be so!

Thus a blog entitled The A.M.E.N. is born.  LET IT BE SO!  I have actually had the idea for this blog, along with its name, for a long time...a REALLY long time, but have never taken the time to do it.  Busyness, fear, uncertainty, those have all come into play, but finally the irony of it all has shown through....LET IT BE SO!  And why not?  I call it a tapping on my shoulder, but really it must be from Him.  I mentioned before that I am not a theologian, and I am not a pastor, and really, when it comes down to it, I am not a writer.  However, the tapping got stronger and stronger and finally the worrying and wondering has taken a backseat to the feeling that this is something I want and need to do.  There is a feeling of AMEN about me as I have determined now is the time.  The tapping isn't going away and why not start a blog?

The acronym is easy.  Average Mom's Encouragement Network stems from the fact that I truly feel I am your average mom.  My challenges are no greater than any other moms out there.  In Phillipians 4:13 (New Living Translation) Paul writes, "For I can do everything with the help of Chirst who gives me the strength I need."  This verse is THE verse in the bible that above all other verses carries me through.  It affirms that He is with me.  It affirms that I can do it.  It affirms that I am not alone.  It is the verse I repeated during childbirth...all 3 times.  It is the verse I repeat in hitting "post" for a this blog.  It is the verse I repeat daily, as life's little struggles come my way.  For me, it is my encouragement.  AMEN!


  1. Love it...You have lifted me just reading your first post. Keep it up, you are an amazing woman!

  2. Love, love, love this! glad you finally listened to His call to start this blog!
