Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Beginnings in a New Year

Happy New Year!  2011 is here!  As each year somehow seems to roll into the next I have attempted to take a moment, this year, to walk slowly into 2011 with intention, rather than rushing blindly into the new year as I usually would.  I was thinking about new beginnings and what those might look like for this year.  Then, when I went into church service on Sunday morning, I found that the pastor had her sermon on just the same topic.  Pastor Deborah Hobbs-Mason's poignant words not only reiterated some of my own thoughts, but also served as inspiration to me.

I'll briefly share with you some of the points she made here:
1) Do not be afraid for nothing will be impossible with God.
2) Fear can be a matter of faith, a spiritual matter that prevents us from following God's call or it can be a motivator for change.
3) God has a way of using all of our experiences, both good and bad, to prepare us for what he has in store for us.
4) In 2011 rather than making a New Year's resolution, perhaps we can commit to staying open to God's leading and no be afraid.

How does this translate to me as a mom?
1) God is always with me and I can do anything through Him.  On the tough days, when all 3 girls are needy and my energy is spent, He is with me.  On the trying days, when middle school drama ensues and I don't have the words to soothe, He is with me.  On the exhausting days, when it seems there is not enough time to get it all done and muster some semblance of patience, He is with me.  And on and on...

Another way to look at this is to think in terms of me as me...not just in the role of mom.  Is there something that God is calling me to do outside of my role as a mom?  Is there a tap on my shoulder to pursue a personal dream, perhaps unrelated to the family...yet, one that will not interfere, but possibly enhance me and thus all of us?  If so, I should not be afraid.

What is God calling you to do?

2) If fear can be a matter of faith, what can I do to let go of my fear and trust in God?  In my bible which is The Life Application Study Bible, New Living Translation, there is a footnote on Matthew 6:25.  That verse reads, "So I tell you, do not worry about everyday life - whether you have enough food, drink and clothes.  Doesn't life consist of more than food and clothing."  This particular quote doesn't necessarily directly relate to the same kind of fear, or worry that we might have, but the footnote does.  It states, "Here is the difference between worry and genuine concern-worry immobilizes, but concern moves you to action."

When the pastor stated that Fear can be a matter of Faith, a spiritual matter that prevents us from following God's call; or, it can be a motivator for change, I think that she was likening fear, without conviction of faith, as worry.  In my mind, fear with conviction of faith is concern.  Perhaps nervous concern versus fear.  Do you see the difference?  For years leading up to launching this blog I was worried.  I was fearful.  Throughout the course of this last year, circumstances occurred that told me to just do it.  Somehow my fear was calmed and become more excited nervousness, along with a trust that I should just go for it.  God will provide and is with me. 

What issues of fear and faith are you grappeling with and how can you move from inaction to action?

3) In her 3rd point the pastor said that all of our experiences prepare us for God's call.  Looking at my own life I can see where certain events, opportunities and relationships placed before me demonstrate this.  If it were not for these, I would not be writing this blog or facilitating book discussions on being the moms God intends us to be. 

What is is that has prepared you for your unique call?

4)  The fourth point that was made requires an openness and commitment.  It requires us to allow ourselves to be vulnerable.  It also requires commitment.  As my MomMom (grandmother on my mom's side) used to say, "If at 1st you don't succeed, try, try again!"  It requires a leap, a willingness to try and be open to not only the possiblity of failure, but also the wonderful possibility of success.

Will you commit to staying open to God's leading and not be afraid?

I'll leave you with an idea that was shared with me by my dear friend.  Her family was contemplating New Year's resolutions and decided that they wanted to do something different this year.  Instead of them each coming up with a resolution for themselves, they determined for one another a challenge for each other.  For one this will mean the opportunity to show a great amount of responsibility in the next year.  For another it will mean maintaining physical health while strenghtening a relationship with a sibling.  And, for another, it will mean pursuing a God-given talent.  These are just some examples to consider as you plan not only for yourself, but also for your family in 2011.

Blessings and Happy New Year!

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